Inductee - "Main Creek’s “Streak"

Owner / Handler: Mark Sweeney
501 Champion Points
825x Champion
3 Super Major Wins
1 Major Wins

In 2004, when Mark made the decision to help a friend out and trade a 1990 pick-up for a black and white English Pointer, never in his wildest dreams did he know what was in store for him. A long-tailed dog in a short-tailed kennel, Main Creek’s Streak would soon make a name for himself.

Streak hit the tournament series in 2005. A big running animal with a phenomenal nose, his desire and drive was undeniable. Suitable to his name, Streak’s retrieves were some of the quickest in the game and several players had the great opportunity to witness that speed and compete with him: Bernie Birkenholz, Jay Heath, Jeremy Hoyt, and Mike Peterson to name a few. Mike Peterson recalls getting Streak into the finals at Worlds. He stated that he and Mark had a plan at the gate, but once they turned Streak loose, Streak had a plan of his own. Pointing the 6th bird first, Mark and Mike were forced to go to the back of the field and work the entire field backwards. They placed 2nd that year and one can only imagine how things would have finished had Streak pointed the gate bird first.

Streak was always fun to watch. Competing against some of the legends of the sport like Birkenholz’s Reggie or Foreman, Garrity’s Albert, Hanna’s Raz, Heim’s Dusty, Chapman’s Mac, and his kennel-mate Gauge, Streak carried all of the same characteristics of these champions, but his biggest attribute was his loyalty and eagerness to please. You knew that when you went into the field with him, you were getting the very best from him.

Of note, that same friend that traded the pick-up for Streak later came to Mark and wanted to buy Streak back for what he believed the truck to be worth. However Streak had already made his home with the Sweeney family and money would not replace the bond that he made with Mark, Julie, Alysha, and especially Jake.

Streak has passed on but you can be certain that he is “cat-walking” on running roosters as he did many times in South Dakota, only this time on miles and miles of heaven.

Today, Main Creek’s Streak enters the Hall of Fame a Legendary Status Champion earning 501 Champion Points, Championed 25 times with 3 Super Major wins and 1 Major Championship. Streak is a true champion in every sense of the word and he will never be forgotten.
