Inductee - "Jill"

Owner / Handler: Bing Wesner
876 Champion Points
43x Champion
2 Super Major Wins
13 Major Wins

Jill Started her life as a puppy at Epp’s Kennels. She was the second puppy that Bing bought there the first being Jack. As with everyone of Bing’s dog when it came time for training of course she was back to Epp’s Kennels for her formal training. Then when she was done there it was off to the mountains with Bing to hunt some wild chukar. This has always given Bing’s dogs their foundation before moving to the competition field. The thing that set Jill apart from other dogs is the way she worked the wind in a field. No matter what direction the wind was in a field she adjusted her routes to cover the field using the wind to her advantage.

Jill started her career in the BDC off with a bang. Her first event was a Super Major where she won 5th. Next was a Major win and then off to Nationals where she won 3rd in Puppies. Not bad for her first three events. She finished the year off with her first Super Major win in Doubles at Western Nationals. Still a puppy she started her second year off by backing up her first Major win by winning it again. Then off to Nationals where she won 3rd in Top Gun. She would have been in doubles finals also if Bing’s partner could have hit the broad side of a barn! She did add two more Major wins that year but fell short of backing up her first Super Major win only to come in 2nd this time. But she had a good year and won Puppy of the Year for 2010.

Jill’s career ended way to soon when she injured her front ankle in 2014. She never did recover from that injury and only ran a few more events after that some of those being where with a new player Joan Henderson in the hunter division. As with most new players Joan would miss a bird but Jill would bale her out and make the long retrieve and bring her back the bird. She showed Joan how to play the game and be a force to be reckoned with. Joan had some great runs over Jill one of them she posted a time that would have won the Top Gun event which ran in the same field by over a minute.

Jill enters the Bird Dog Circuit Hall of Fame as a Legendary Status Dog with 43 Championships, 876 career Champion Points, 2 Super Major wins and 13 Major wins. She completed her career in 2016. She ranks 21st overall in Pointing Dog Lifetime achievement: a pillar of success of Bing’s dogs who will never be forgotten by the many who knew and loved her.
