Inductee - "Dusty"

Owner / Handler: Jack Heim
799 Champion Points
40x Champion
5 Super Major Wins
6 Major Wins

Dusty started his tournament hunting career in 2001 with the Wisconsin Series. Even as young pup in the Series, one could see that his talents and potential were evident. From here, he went on to compete in these and other competitive events including AKC, NATHA, UFTA, and BDC. His BDC career started with the Players Championships in 2007. Over the years, he battled many noteworthy dogs to become a BDC National Champion, BDC 2x Road Warrior Champion, and Wisconsin Series Dog of the Year. He was also the winner of 5 BDC Super Major Championship Titles, 6 BDC Major Championship Titles, as well as an AKC Senior Hunt Title.

In the tournament field, it didn’t matter if the weather was harsh or he was making the first run of the day, you could trust in his ability to get a top placing. He had a great way of reading the field, with a high head, gathering scent until he was certain, then locking in on the game. He had a strong work ethic; even in the last few years when his shoulder began to hinder his ability. Definitely a master of his craft, all who had the opportunity to hunt with him in the field have many fond memories of Ole Smuckey Boy.

“Immediately west of the thickets lining Indian Creek about 1/2 mile south of the house is “The Hollow.” We seldom hunt “The Hollow” so it is a quiet place frequented mostly by deer and an occasional coyote.”

“We keep listening for faint murmurs when we pass through but hear none…they must be hunting in a special place or on a long quiet point.and now in morning’s pre-dawn, if you look carefully, you’ll see an image gliding effortlessly across the hollow.the sun will come up to drape the image revealing a dog staunch on point.stopped in mid stride…head and tail up…eyes intent and clear as if he were a pup again.The Ole Boy has arrived.”

Today Dusty enters the BDC Hall of Fame with 799 Champion points winning 5 Super Majors and 6 Major Championships. Dusty was an incredible dog that made an impact on the sport and will forever be remembered.
