Inductee - "Cherokee"

Owner / Handler: Scott Peterson
349 Champion Points
27x Champion
1 Super Major Wins
1 Major Wins

At a young age, Cherokee showed the natural talent, drive, and desire to excel in BDC and other field events. He was crowned the 2003 BDC National Doubles Champion at the young age of 3 and was a Finalist in nearly every Super Major competition he competed in. Always on the edge, fellow competitors knew he could produce the winning score at any event.

The field attributes that made Cherokee a true champion were his ability to quarter a field with amazing speed and not outrun his nose. Scott Peterson, his owner, and others often experienced Cherokee driving into a patch of heavy cover only to emerge from it with a bird caught in his mouth with no signs of ever slowing down. His ability to locate birds other dogs struggled with, in the most challenging of conditions, truly distinguished him as a Hall of Fame gundog. To say Cherokee always gave 100% would be an understatement.

It is said we all get our “once in a lifetime dog” and for Scott Peterson, Cherokee has been just that. Champion… Gundog… Companion… Congratulations Cherokee and Scott as you join an elite group of True Champions of our sport.

Elwood’s Cherokee Pete enters the BDC Hall of Fame a Platinum Status Champion, earning 349 Lifetime Champion Points; Championed 17X, with 1 Super Major Championship and 1 BDC Major Championship.

Cherokee was a special dog who will be forever remembered.
