Inductee - "Beulah Ridge “Jake”"

Owner / Handler: Bill Berner
989 Champion Points
49x Champion
6 Super Major Wins
4 Major Wins

Jake was born May 18th 2005 in Bill’s laundry room along with two brothers and two sisters. Jake was the pick of the litter and got to spend his entire life with Bill. He was easy to train and a natural retriever at an early age.

Jake started to run NBDCA trials in 2007 at K and L Kennel. His first NBDCA Super Major event was the Nationals in 2008. Jake took 1st in Amateur Pointing running against a tough field of dogs. Two weeks later he ran in The U.S. Open in Hayward Wisconsin and took 1st and 2nd. Jake racked up 86 Champion Points in less than two weeks and went on to be 2009 Amateur Dog of the Year. His career accomplishments include 6 Super Major wins: Nationals twice, Invitational twice, Players and U.S. Open once each along with 4 Major wins. He was Doubles High Point Dog in zone 1 twice and runner up to Willy in Top Gun 5 times.

He is a National Upland Classic Champion and in 2009 won the Browning Tournament of Champions. His whole career he ran under the radar behind Willy. People would always ask Bill who was the better dog Willy or Jake and Bill would answer “Don’t go there”! The fact of the matter is Jake was every bit as good as Willy and actually accomplished more in his career. Style wise Willy beat Jake hands down but Jake learned how to follow 4 wheelers and track bird planters. Quite a feat! Jake never sire any puppies but was a mentor to Brewster, Hillbilly, Casper and many more of Willy’s puppies. Bill nicknamed him Big Jake the Brittany on steroids.

Jake enters the Bird Dog Circuit Hall of Fame as a Legendary Status Dog with 49 Championships, 989 career Champion Points, 6 Super Major wins and 4 Major wins. He completed his career in 2016. He ranks 15th overall in Pointing Lifetime Dog achievement: a pillar in the success of Bill’s dogs who will never be forgotten by the many who knew and loved him.
