April 5- BDC Top Gun & Puppy.
Top Gun will be bracket and finals adding both scores. $125 4 dog brackets with 1 advancing to finals. Dogs can enter twice.
Puppy $100 and will be 1 run and done dogs can double enter limit.
April 6th- Doubles and Masters:
Doubles- $125 2 dogs & 1 handler 1 and done
Masters- $100 50yrs and older 1 run and done just a fun Division for those that havent recently won a Top Gun super major that over 50yrs old and just wanna have a cheaper simple event.
**Ice Cream & Lemonade- If the weather cooperates the Edwards Girls will have a lemonade stand 1 of the days, and Mr. Edwards will try and have some home made vanilla frozen custard free for everyone to indulge into at least 1 of the days.**